The Masturbation Conversation

I found this hilarious! What would you do, if you were in Michelle’s position? How would you deal with the conversation, of masturbation, with your little one? When my son was younger, I did the same as Michelle. I would say, “You need to do that in private and in your bedroom.”
Brings back memories!

They call me Mummy


Masturbation conversation


This word strikes fear in the heart of most parents. It’s the kryptonite of the parenting fraternity. When most parents look at their children, the last thing they want to think about is that they – gulp – masturbate. Because there seem to be such taboos connected with this topic, many parents are unaware that it is , in fact, totally normal for children to be touching themselves regularly at the age of three and then again, from twelve well into adulthood.

It’s bizarre, really, this fear of the masturbation conversation. I’ve seen friends freely post on Facebook about how little Sammy ate a cockroach today! Marcus fingerprinted with his own poo! Jenny had an epic diaper explosion (with attached photographs for evidence)! But when they discovered little Toby masturbating: silence. This little milestone is shoved under the rug faster than the most…

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