Healing the Inner Child

Every now and then I like to pick up a book that I have already read. Usually one where I have high lighted important passages in it. Either I can identify with it, it’s something new that I have learned, or knowledge that I would like to implement in to my own life.

I’d like to share these passages, from “THE INNER DANCE” by DIANE MARIECHILD.


There is a little child who lives within our hearts. I see this child as one of the faces of the dancer. The child is the embodiment of love, creativity, curiosity and joy. The healthy child, the whole child, infuses our energy so that we meet life with a lighthearted playfulness. Each situation is new. There are no preconceptions. The child is a bold explorer. When she is free, we are unafraid to take risks. We delight in exploring our bodies, discovering and testing our strengths and limitations, and we bring our delightful sense of inquiry to the environment around us.


By the time we reach adulthood, many of us are harboring an inner child who is hurt and afraid. We cannot grow into our maturity, our wholeness, until the inner child is healed. Too often, she is screaming for love and attention. Her unmet needs translate into behavior that is limiting or destructive. Her natural love and gaiety are repressed. When we were very young, we were helpless and dependent and, for many of us our childhood experiences were sometimes overwhelming. As adults we may react to situations in some way similar to our childhood situations as if they are life threatening. Had we been abandoned as babies, we would have died. If we are abandoned as adults, we can survive physically but, emotionally, we may feel as though we will die.


There are times when we may be unable to see the whole picture or to understand why a particular behavior is occurring. Our own pain or misunderstandings may be expressed through negative judgements, criticism or blame. The habit of blaming must be transformed for healing to occur. Not blaming, however, does not mean that we are incapable of recognizing what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. When our energy is not twisted into blame, we are able to think, speak and act clearly.


wall photos by:  http://www.ZEDGE.com

The Book – “The Inner Dance” – Author – Diane Mariechild